You know when you make huge plans to take control of your life and then, guess who decides to come to the party, uninvited... that's right. 'Life'. You fiend. Doesn't RSVP. Turns up at the last second and what does he bring to contribute... 4 small bottles of craft beer with a weird ingredient that he has to tell everyone about to seem interesting.
I started to feel a little queasy on the 29th Dec, one whole day before the Facebook Live event 'Eulogy of 2020' and thought nothing of it. Went for a Drive-thru test just to be on the safe side. Worst. Drive-Thru Movie. Ever. It was just some guy looking back at you in a rear view mirror while he gags on a cotton swab... still better than Tom Cruise's 'The Mummy'. I had recently had emergency dental work (where you can't wear a mask) and I went to a petrol station a few days before so there was a possibility for exposure.
I felt worse on the day of the live steam but after a quick chat with my massivly supportive brother (who reminded me that people were looking forward to the show) I slammed back a couple o' paracetemol/Ibuprofens and powered through. I had so much fun! The best thing about talking to a community like the one that I have is that everyone is so awesome and you get my humour! You get my super, super weird humour and that, to me, is the best cure to this virus. Except for the vaccine... if the vaccine is available I will take that. I ended up being a lot worse but I was definietly one of the lucky ones.
I am going to try this again! From this Weds 20th Jan '21, I will be going live EVERY Wednesday with a wrap up of the previous 6 days on FACEBOOK LIVE at 19.30 GMT. I have a new video coming out this week and a new format! Once again thank you so much for subscribing to this blog and thank you to everyone that's shared my videos, liked it, liked the page, commented on them, followed me. Sweet Mary Berry... when you write it down like that, that's a lot. You guys are the best!
Love love,
Smiles x
P.S. I'll be talking about the 'Capitol Video' in the live video, please join me x